Health Sciences Doctoral (Ph.D.) Scholarships

The UTEP College of Health Sciences plays a significant role in preparing caring and competent healthcare professionals to serve the Paso del Norte region, with approximately three quarters of graduates remaining in the area after graduation. Our Interdisciplinary Health Sciences PhD Program – one of only six programs of its kind in the nation – was created to provide an equally strong pipeline of professors to train our students. Our doctoral students dedicate an average of four to five years of their lives to completing their degrees in order to pursue their passion for educating future Miners!

On Raise Your Pick Giving Day, we are asking our alumni and community to help remove financial barriers for our PhD students by supporting student scholarships. Pursuit of a doctoral degree typically requires giving up full-time employment to focus on coursework and research projects. Your support will allow our students to focus on their studies and complete their degrees in a timely manner. 

We hope you will raise your pick for our doctoral students on April 22–23! Thank you in advance for your investment in their futures.

The College of Health Sciences is also seeking support for student professional development opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students and for equipment to support student learning in the Rehabilitation Sciences Complex. Click the buttons below to learn more:

Rank State Gifts
1 NONE 0
1 AA 0
1 AE 0
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